Two Black Cats

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

This week.

It's a busy time of year here. I mark Maths SATS papers (that is year 9 - age 14 in the UK). I have received the training materials and will be going to the marker's training meeting on 6th May. I know that for most teachers marking is a chore, but I actually enjoy the challenge of getting this right. It covers a vast range of abilities - so includes deciphering bad handwriting, trying to fathom just what the pupil was trying to say or do, to quite high level maths for that age.

I will also be going into the school where I used to teach to discuss the training materials with an ex-colleague. This will be interesting but also quite strange. I will update that next week.

In the garden there is loads to do.

  • 1. Broad beans and courgettes need planting out (they are hardened off).

  • 2. Tomatoes need pricking out.

  • 3. I need to plant some more peas - only 2 germinated and a slug/snail got on of them!

  • 4. The morning glories are trying to escape - so need to be hardened off and then planted out. I'll probably plant some more seeds directly into the ground as well.

  • 5. The veg plot needs some weeding, and the first few potato shoots earthed up.

  • 6. The lefthandside border needs some serious attention - overgrown in places - and I'm not sure if the Clematis Montana is alive or not.

  • 7. The front garden is looking really nice but needs weeding before it gets out of hand.

  • And of course there is maths to do (although I am well ahead) and housework to do! And tomorrow is daughter K's 16th birthday!!


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