Two Black Cats

Friday, June 30, 2006

1-2-3 Stretch

First is Arty's stretch. Posted by Picasa

Then Arty shows Velvet how to stretch. Posted by Picasa

The it's Velvet's turn Posted by Picasa

And finally both cats stretching. Posted by Picasa

Please have a look at Friday Ark at The Modulator


Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

A good stretch on the grass in the sun! Nothing could be finer! ahhhhh.

12:31 am  
Blogger Hot(M)BC said...

Stretchin is almost as good as boxes.

~~ Boni
and the rest of the Hot(M)BC crew too

10:05 am  
Blogger Tommy and Teaghan said...

They is so cute! They's trying to cool off in the nice grass.

4:05 pm  

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